By NextTimeMom'sDriving - 11/06/2014 16:41 - Canada - Kelowna

Today, my family and I were on a road trip. Everything was fine until we discovered that my dad, the driver, was not only fast asleep, he was also snoring. We were in the middle of the highway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 659
You deserved it 4 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments did A) no one notice sooner B) you guys not crash C) you get yourselves out of this predicament Come on, we need more information here! On another note, hope everyone is okay :)


I'm glad you guys managed to get out of that situation assuming no one got hurt. But that was pretty irresponsible of your dad like that, if he felt tired he should have pulled over to a resting area or swapped drivers.

Not saying that's a bad idea, but it's not that easy to just pull over and swap drivers and there isn't always a rest stop or place to stop. But I do agree that pulling over if he COULD would be a smart idea.

Getting off the highway and pulling over on the side of the road for a 20 minute nap is what he should have done. There's always a place to pull over, even if it's the side of the road somewhere, except for on the highway of course, or even a parking lot anywhere!

CallMeWindSock 24

This is where drivers ed comes in handy, OP.

That is how I want to die, in my sleep. Not screaming in fear like my passengers.

dmcd_39 14

Well I hope you didn't get hurt you could have been killed

Respect101 17

"Could have" is the key words. But didn't. that's something to be proud of.

Sleep walking I've heard of... but sleep driving?

I'm thinking that he sent this FML when he noticed his dad was sleeping. then woke him and and he freaked and crashed. that's y he hasn't done a follow up yet. (hope I'm not right)

First thought that came to mind was "Jesus take the wheel" haha, glad that nothing happened though!