By Uh_Oh_Bro - 24/07/2016 17:58 - United States - Annandale

Today, my family, grandma included, took some time to discuss whether or not olive oil is a suitable substitute for lube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 620
You deserved it 1 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, no, because oil degrades latex in condoms. Unless you're not using condoms, in which case it's fine, but might stain the sheets. Best to avoid it.

Well... enlighten us, is it or is it not?


I feel for you. It's like my grandma asking for detailed information on how exactly I have sex with another woman.

It's very UNLIKE that situation entirely. On the one hand, you have your grandma asking personal details about sexual activities, on the other, you have a conversation about sexual lubrication that might place you in an awkward scenario where you're picturing your grandma getting it on with some olive oil. I'd say the latter is much worse lol.

I'd say the first is worse, actually.

Goblin182 26

Yes, olive oil is a good substitute for lube. A lot of food manufacturers use it in their machinery instead of petroleum based lube.

Goblin182 26

Olive oil is a food grade lubricant where petroleum based lubricants are not. If the petroleum based lubes leaked out into the food there would be health concerns where the olive oil would not be harmful. They also use peanut butter rather than petroleum based greases.

Sounds like a great way to get a uti

Your grandma is so humorous, I like it. LOL

Well, yes, it is. However keep in mind it is NOT safe to use with condoms. It'll affect the latex.

my friend talked about this like a week ago oh shit..

SteveDudleyUK 10

Use Virgin Olive Oil for those tight situations. Try it on nuts too.