By Uh_Oh_Bro - 24/07/2016 17:58 - United States - Annandale

Today, my family, grandma included, took some time to discuss whether or not olive oil is a suitable substitute for lube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 620
You deserved it 1 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, no, because oil degrades latex in condoms. Unless you're not using condoms, in which case it's fine, but might stain the sheets. Best to avoid it.

Well... enlighten us, is it or is it not?


Well, with a family that open, you know it's alright to ask talk to them about literally anything, no matter how embarrassing. I wish my family was more like that.

olive oil I haven't heard of. it kinda grosses me out thinking about it, but coconut oil is amazing!

Your family sounds fun and interesting XD

TAntobella 14

Well looks like you have an awesome family! Modern, open minded and actually interacting on any topic! Many families only talk about superficial "politically correct"stuff, which is quite boring

I've been told by a doctor that it's good to use. It was fine for me.

Sounds like a pretty good thing to me, they're actual people instead of politically correct "progressive" crazy ***** that a lot of normal people are stuck with.

What did you come up with? What did the answer end up being?

Whether its cooking or ******* when it comes to Olive oil whole family needs to discuss it!