By 635CSi - 06/06/2012 05:23 - United States - San Diego

Today, my father-in-law called me an idiot for buying him coffee cake because he can't have caffeine. He refuses to believe that there's as much coffee in coffee cake as there is ham in a hamburger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 110
You deserved it 2 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, most hamburgers are 100% beef, while ham is pork. The more you know.


When I make coffee cake there is coffee in it.

moneybagz131 6

In Mexico the hamburgers have ham. It's really quite delicious.

Yeah that was exactly what I had been thinking.

misconception, there is rarely ham in hamburgers. it is usually a cheap burger with mixed meats, but an original patty is all beef. It's only called a hamburger because it's origins, yet mysterious, is mostly traced back to hamburg, germany. In america, we probably dropped the ham part, because one, no ham in it, two, some say it was originally made in a county fair in missouri.

dear god, people, don't you read previous comments? SOME recipes for coffee cake use actual coffee, SOME use coffee essence and SOME just have it with coffee. as for hamburgers, no, they arent really made of ham! *exhale* rant over

Actually, there's more coffee, in coffeecake than there is ham on hamburger.. Ham is 33.33% of hamburger and coffee is 60% of coffee cake

The cake would NEVER finish baking if it was 60% coffee. There has to be a certain ratio of liquid to dry ingredients, plus binders, or you'll have an extremely wet or liquid or dry and crumbly cake.

Since you bought it, check the back of the packet. If the ingredients have a caffine warning you're an idiot, if not you're good to go.

FYI there is coffee in coffee cake, hence the taste...

Bacon burgers have pig, pig is ham. Bacon burgers are burgers therefor some burgers have ham