By anon - 31/07/2014 03:12 - Canada - Goderich

Today, my father tripped over the dog and hit a wall. He was so convinced his arm was broken that we waited for 3 hours in emergency to find out he had a bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 786
You deserved it 3 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He only had to wait 3 hours?! That is not a long emergency wait, it could have been worse (I had to wait 12 hours when I broke my ankle).

No offence but your dad is a drama queen


I don't think your life sucks! We forget how hard our parents work to take care of us so it was sweet of you to take care of your dad!

actually the pain of some real internal bruising hurts like shit. Happened to me when i fell on my hand once, the pain was so strong that i actually thought i had broken it. Don't blame ye father OP ;) better safe than sorry

Is he melodramatic much??? Lol, I feel for ya OP.

Thank your dad for contributing to the ridiculously long wait times.

whatever happened to taking it like a man? I broke my pinky finger and splinted it myself and let it heal. no doctor or meds. what a baby

I'm curious to hear about his reaction to getting the hospital bill. Top marks for Dumbassery, and his Mancard is revoked.

People run to the hospital for the tiniest things.

only in Canada, people go to the hospital for bruises....