By - 01/04/2013 14:50 - United States

Today, my fiancé dumped me because he claimed he needed to "focus on his career and his engagement." When I asked him how dumping me would help with his engagement, he immediately replied with, "No, I mean my other one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 677
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you're better off without him.

It's a good thing he told you before the walk down the aisle. It's a lot less paperwork and fees to deal with.


McNikk 15

The he said it makes it seem like he either expected you to already know about it or that what he did wasn't that big a deal. Unbelievable. Better now than later at least.

This doesn't sound like a "FML" to me. You no longer have that cheating jackass in your life, OP. Good for you!

onorexveritas 23

What goes around comes around and I hope karma pays him a nice visit..douchebag!

Well he is a man with priorities apparently so it can't be all bad right?

He did you the greatest favour ever. You might not see it just now.

What a dick. Sorry OP, but your better off without him.

That sucks, but you really dodged a bullet. You could have ended up married to this sleezeball for life, now you can just walk away. I almost feel sorry for the other woman, particularly if she didn't know about you.

I'm sorry OP. I'm sure you don't deserve that. But just think of everything that you were saved from experiencing later on.

I don't condone cheating, but you think he would have dumped one of you before buying two rings. That is just a waste of money (and stupid) on his part.