By - 01/04/2013 14:50 - United States

Today, my fiancé dumped me because he claimed he needed to "focus on his career and his engagement." When I asked him how dumping me would help with his engagement, he immediately replied with, "No, I mean my other one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 677
You deserved it 3 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you're better off without him.

It's a good thing he told you before the walk down the aisle. It's a lot less paperwork and fees to deal with.


I feel your pain OP... Big hug for you!

Why FYL? He did you a favour! Imagine being married to him only to find out too late.

BlueFlatts 20

Most importantly, find her and see if she knows. Nobody want's to marry the unfaithful.

He must be rich to be able to juggle two women and buy two rings. What a jackass!

Jacksparrow72 21

Wow my jaw dropped reading this, its not ydi or fyl, lyl, live your life without that douchebag, it'll be better

at least you found out how shitty of a person he is before yall got married: