By BDayssuck - 02/09/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, my fiancé, his mother, my father and I went out to celebrate my birthday and our recent engagement. After dinner, my father and future mother-in-law revealed to us that they had secretly been dating and were talking about also getting married. Anybody want cake? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 644
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that mean she will be your step-mother-in-law?

Conkers 0

That's a story to tell the kids. :D


Doesn't really make a difference, you'll just be step-related, which legally means nothing in terms of getting together. You're not blood.

OnimeAkuma 0

mmmm. cake. im hungry now! wait this scenario sounds like something from a movie doesnt it?

Sounds awesome to me lol. Honestly I don't see why people see it as gross. Awkward yea, but it's not like you guys are even related biologically, like so many others have said.

Being step-siblings just makes it kinky. Sounds very awesome to me

smith314 0

I see... stop the marriage or youll married to to sister!!!!

gimme cake but keep the trouble, aight?

gaarraa11 3

cake sounds good right now lol

starberries 0

So what, you selfish ****? They waited until after your engagement so they wouldn't steal your spotlight. What does their getting married have to do with you?