By BDayssuck - 02/09/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, my fiancé, his mother, my father and I went out to celebrate my birthday and our recent engagement. After dinner, my father and future mother-in-law revealed to us that they had secretly been dating and were talking about also getting married. Anybody want cake? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 644
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that mean she will be your step-mother-in-law?

Conkers 0

That's a story to tell the kids. :D


MissUnderstandin 0

mmm cake :p chocolate or vanilla?

chodg89 0

Yeah i completely understand...ive been dating my girlfriend for 3 and a half years and about 3 months ago her mom and my dad got now im dating my sister...its all about how u look at the world and your sense of humor.

Hey, love is love, who the **** cares? I mean, the only cause of concern when it comes to incest is the genetic component, and that's about it.

ledzepfan 0

ummmmmmm, how about "******* CONGRATULATIONS!" oh my ******* God. your father may have found a great woman with which to settle down with. this is a good thing, im thinking it might be a fake like from "Drive Me Crazy" but if it isnt, then you should rejoice. i would be happy with this. besides, your mother-in-law will probably be a lot nicer now. hmmmmm, (Step)-Mother-(In-Law)******** hell, that is as close to being a real mother that someone not related to you could get. lol. I'm happy for you

At least you won't have to worry about who's family you're going to have holiday dinners with, 'cause now it'll all be the same!

lol i kind of had this happen 2 me but it with a boy i've know for 9 years. he liked me and told everyone when we were little, but i did not like him back till i was like 12 now im 15, have no idea if he still likes me and my mom and his uncle got married, thank god their not together anymore (their just not devorised yet) glenn's (terences uncle) jokes got old quick hope it all works out and everyone is happy in the end. good luck!

foryoublue94 0

HOLYSHIT ! so whats gonna ******* happen now ?!!?!?!?!?!??!

robmack519 0