By BDayssuck - 02/09/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, my fiancé, his mother, my father and I went out to celebrate my birthday and our recent engagement. After dinner, my father and future mother-in-law revealed to us that they had secretly been dating and were talking about also getting married. Anybody want cake? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 644
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that mean she will be your step-mother-in-law?

Conkers 0

That's a story to tell the kids. :D


heyy, i read something like this in an advice column once. just get married before them.

that's what happened to my family... I have 2 brothers/cousins

ArielTheMermaid 17

you were engaged first, so you get firsties :) that's how it works

**** that! get married first. and if they get married first, shit on her dress and ruin the wedding! lololol

alinka_fml 0

I see nothing at all wrong with this.

XkassieX 6

Oh **** well that sucks you and your fiancé will be step brother and sister while your mother in law is actually your step mother in law. So sorry.

Sucks 4 u but how could u not no this b4 then?

Wouldnt that mean that u cant get married if they do it first?