By BDayssuck - 02/09/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, my fiancé, his mother, my father and I went out to celebrate my birthday and our recent engagement. After dinner, my father and future mother-in-law revealed to us that they had secretly been dating and were talking about also getting married. Anybody want cake? FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 644
You deserved it 3 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So does that mean she will be your step-mother-in-law?

Conkers 0

That's a story to tell the kids. :D


This happens on that show Hollywood Heights. A young couple are dating while their parents are too. The guys are rock stars and the teen girl is an up and coming star while her mom is normal... Kinda awkward but cool.

And where exactly is the problem? Even if you are to be step-siblings, you CAN marry each other - you are not biological siblings.

IDK about the country where they are from, but even step-siblings CAN marry in our country (Czech Rep) - the only thing that matters is biology and if they are not biological siblings, no problem with marrying.

Weird? Why? They are not BIOLOGICAL siblings, so why is it weird? And if you still think it, they should marry first and transfer the weirdness to their parents:)

Predicted it as soon as you said it.

get married first and we have no issue:)

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Screw them you're the one engaged. I'd go for something with a law involved

rupertajm90 15

hello Maury.... just make sure you get married first

That's great!!!! How's this an FML? I am actually very happy for you!!!!??

I really don't understand why this is a problem? is no one allowed to be happy besides yiu?