By Anonymous - 20/12/2014 20:00 - United States - Framingham

Today, my fiancé pawned off my engagement ring so he could buy himself a PS4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 639
You deserved it 4 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iTzSelverZz 14

Did he at least buy two controllers so you wont be left out?


hed better buy you a ton of games for it. I personally told my bf of 2 years that a 3dsXL was a perfectly good substitution for an engagement ring. doesnt sound like you share the sentiment. had he already given it to you?

Maybe he did you a favor by showing you what kind of husband he would make, before you committed yourself to him. For one, he doesn't sound very financially responsible. Even if your income grows, if he spends irresponsibly, you could have massive debt. Secondly, he just told you with his actions, that his needs will always come first. Do you think he was having cold feet, and is trying to get out of the engagement? Was he mad at you for something? Did he always have a pattern of treating you like a door mat?

foshor 1

Pawn something of his to get your ring back!!

I bet he's regretting that now lol thanks to lizard squad

sparxva 12

It doesn't sound like he is your fiancé any more. Just another ex boyfriend playing with his joystick.

Guys need to cool their shit. I'm a gamer but I'd never even think about doing something like this. Ridiculous...

I would've done the same thing.... Games before wives...