By secret - 02/11/2010 19:11 - United States

Today, my fiancé told me it was a mistake to propose to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 743
You deserved it 5 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he's the load his mother should have swallowed.

Hang in there. Keep the ring, sell it, and go shopping!


I would have said "it's not too late to fix that," left the ring and got out of there, never looking back! why would you stay for that?

wriptidez 0

find ur true love god bless the broken road that led me straight to u is good

I agree with 32 thereust be a reason he said that

tell him it was a mistake to say yes. Then spit in his face, laugh, and calmly walk away.

doctordoom 0

YDI. That's what you get for selling yourself for some meth...

restythestar 0

maybe he found out that you're actually a man... come on, it's "secret"

go take a shut in his mailbox! seriously do it!

I meant shit! take a shit in his mailbox! goddamn spell check!

lindsey37 0

Why do people put you totally deserved it? seriously???