By secret - 02/11/2010 19:11 - United States

Today, my fiancé told me it was a mistake to propose to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 751
You deserved it 5 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him he's the load his mother should have swallowed.

Hang in there. Keep the ring, sell it, and go shopping!


you're not alone, my fiancee also told me it was a mistake to propose... we had just had an intensely heated fight and in my response, i ended up giving him back the ring.

norriex3 0 big of a bitch are u?

Dont cry ovEr spilled milk! Thts all I cud think ov at this point

juybuygo 13

to be honest you probably did or said something to make him feel that way. or he's just got cold feet. either way it happens

Say: Psh, well it was a mistake to say yes