By Guntherdog - 27/06/2013 15:17 - United States

Today, my fiancée decided to go on a "vacation." Our wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 904
You deserved it 4 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damian95 16

I don't mean to sound rude but who takes a one day vacation right before a wedding? Answer: Someone who isn't coming back for the wedding.


MrsThoma88 5

I really hope you comment on here OP. I need to know what happened.

XTheDesertSongX 17

Let's hope she was just playing around and "left" but was really just joking. Hopefully, you'll see her tomorrow and will have a fantastic wedding. Highest regards and good luck!

All the double e comments. Anyone think that OP was just a poor speller or didn't know that? As long as we are making assumptions, stop pointing fingers!!

Seriously, what educated person doesn't know that? Go and figure it out, I'll wait.

Didn't even get to kiss her goodbye eh?

by "vacation" do you mean jail. I usually put it in quote if they are going to jail.

So it's the day of the wedding...did she come back, OP?

Oh dear... Someone has cold feet. Maybe try getting in contact to discuss what is bothering him before completely deciding not to get married. Maybe his judgment is being affected from stress over thinking he may not be a good husband, doesn't deserve you, etc. If it really does end up being because he doesn't want to be with you that way then screw him. If you happen to be the groom and its the bride running away, same thing applies except replace the "he" and "husband" to "she" and "wife".