By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 05:03 - United States - Mountain View

Today, my fiancée said that our relationship is doomed because an astrologer said so. We only have a few more days until our wedding and she won't listen to a word I say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 810
You deserved it 2 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the evidence of being together long enough to become engaged isn't enough for your fiancé to ignore an astrologer, then she is pretty much plain ignorant.

Just go outside at night and point at the stars and say "As you can cleary see, Capricorn is facing Gemini which is under the north star. Obviously, the stars agree that we were meant to be, otherwise Leo would be to the left!"


sweetmama88 6

That down right mean, she is changing her mind , maybe she has cold feet and tell her that you love her, regardless what anyone saids! I'm sure she will realize that she was being stupid .

Say something witty like,."We can change our stars, because it hasn't been written yet. We'll write them together, because us being together has already changed the stars. Therefore we change the stars to fix us, not the stars to change us."

Inciter 33

Just remind her that you've been together long enough that whatever the stars "say" shouldn't matter. Astrology is cool and all, but definitely not a relationship-predictor. My fiance and I are apparently incompatible, but we're each other's longest relationship. Our worst exes are supposed to be the ones we're most compatible with. Really, the whole compatible/incompatible signs thing is total bullshit.

cubanebgy 2

Aww :( I'm sorry OP maybe it just wasn't meant to be if she doesn't see the real love there

So… in a way, the astrologer was right, haha.

jayAZ 3

All marriages are doomed! So, go with it and perhaps you'll be set free! :p

easily solved - "then you'll just have to take that pretty white dress back to the shop and explain to all your friends that your astrologer is the reason you arent getting married". Otherwise I would see that as "bullet dodged".

blackvyper 8

Get rid of that sack of sh!t now.