By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 05:03 - United States - Mountain View

Today, my fiancée said that our relationship is doomed because an astrologer said so. We only have a few more days until our wedding and she won't listen to a word I say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 810
You deserved it 2 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the evidence of being together long enough to become engaged isn't enough for your fiancé to ignore an astrologer, then she is pretty much plain ignorant.

Just go outside at night and point at the stars and say "As you can cleary see, Capricorn is facing Gemini which is under the north star. Obviously, the stars agree that we were meant to be, otherwise Leo would be to the left!"


I'm fairly certain that's not called astrology--that's just called cold feet! FYL OP but better to know this now rather than filing for divorce in 6 months because she's just straight up crazy!

This is the time where u hire a fake astrploger and hav him tell ur fiancee ur going to hav a long lovely marriage!(;

This is the time where u hire a fake astrploger and hav him tell ur fiancee ur going to hav a long lovely marriage!(;

Time to move on as this is a lucky escape.

carminecris89 13

She sounds like a lunatic. She's doing you a favor though. You don't want a woman who believes in astrology over love,logic, reason, and choice.

joeinabox 0

It sounds like a cop-out... Probably just cold feet. Reassure her you are meant to be.

Tell her that she was wrong, visit the same astrologer and pay her to say that she sees a bright future after the marriage

BiChelsea 6

It's doomed you say? Well let's song the doom song! Doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom doom Doom...