By Anonymous - 06/08/2012 05:03 - United States - Mountain View

Today, my fiancée said that our relationship is doomed because an astrologer said so. We only have a few more days until our wedding and she won't listen to a word I say. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 810
You deserved it 2 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the evidence of being together long enough to become engaged isn't enough for your fiancé to ignore an astrologer, then she is pretty much plain ignorant.

Just go outside at night and point at the stars and say "As you can cleary see, Capricorn is facing Gemini which is under the north star. Obviously, the stars agree that we were meant to be, otherwise Leo would be to the left!"


You from Canada? I heard the same thing on a radio show other day in a call in.

Wedding jitters, that sucks. Still, dont you know the person you're marrying? Bad time for unpleasant surprises about personality...

If she believes that astrological bull honky then maybe you ate doomed! Sorry OP

Sounds like the astrologer was right! Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy...

That's called a self fulfilling prophecy. The fact that she believes it alone will cause it to come true. But seriously, I live in India where astrology, ESPECIALLY the kind of astrology that relates to a couples compatibility, is taken very very seriously by basically everybody. Its used when they arrange marriages to make sure the couple is compatible....(they also check caste, education levels and bank balances....) Anyway, my hubby and I supposedly were so badly matched (read; his parents didnt think much of me cos Im a white girl) that I was going to DIE 6 months later if I married him. Luckily my hubby doesnt buy that crap either and we've now been happily married for over 2 years and have a beautiful son. And I feel fine. In the OP's case I say one of three things is likely to be going on. Either she really is into astrology this much, in which case I say RUN. GTFO. She'll be seeing the astrologer for every decision; do I take this job? have a baby? leave my husband? Reason will be out the door. Or (and I think, unless she's Indian, this may be more likely) she isnt really into it that much and she's trying to get out of marrying you "nicely". In which case, pack your bags. Or there's a small possibility she's "testing" you. I would also suggest bailing out if this is the case. Game players are bad enough but being married to one sucks ass. Astrology is pure hogwash. Dangerous hogwash when people take it seriously. Good luck OP :)

My g.f. said that when she read we were incompat based on a place mat in a Chinese restaurant. I said, "What if the place mat said we were made for each other & you hated me? Would you ignore that and marry me due to what the place mat said? If not, then why are you going for its negative saying? "

Iknoweverything 29

If she truly believes in astrology, why would she wait for A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE WEDDING to consult with an astrologer that her relationship is doomed? Why not find out the relationship was doomed at the very beginning? And if it was destined to last at the very beginning, why would she go see an astrologer about the relationship NOW? I smell extreme pre-wedding jitters. Astrology is the least of your problems.

I can only see this as a narrow escape - can you really spend the rest of your life with someone that irrational?

She's sounds like a weak minded person. Doesn't sound like someone you'd want to marry. Would be too easy to manipulate her into doing all the things you want her to do... Hmmm... Wait a minute ... Maybe not such a bad thing. Just go to a psychic, pay another 20$ and have them say your the greatest and she should marry you. She'll buy that.