By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale

Today, my fiancée told me she can't marry me. Our wedding day is tomorrow and around 20 of our 180 guests attending have travelled half way around the world just for the occasion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 142
You deserved it 3 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood how people can just not go through with a wedding. That's a pretty selfish thing to do.



Your life sucks, sure. But why is inconveniencing all these people an Fml instead of "Oh my god, the woman I love doesn't want to marry me!" ?

TallMist 32

Now, if a guy was to do this, they'd call him an ass, self-righteous, etc. But when a girl does it, it's to "Save face" or "avoid future complications" or "Saving the guy a lot of wasted time"... Really?

Make her break the news to the guests

sethicles1 2

and not to mention half of your shit and your retirement go with her. atleast it didn't go that far. always a good side bro.

gatorgirl2669 6

Well since she doesn't want to get married and all of the guest are there.... if yall are still on speaking terms then just to turn it into a big ass party to celebrate with family and friends... even if she doesnt show.... you can party it up and thank people for their support.. dont let it go to waste

InfiniteSecret 20

At least they told you instead of marrying you when they didn't want to. It is horrible they only said it the day before and some paid to get there but isn't them stopping the wedding better than being married to someone who doesn't want to marry you.

InfiniteSecret 20

Everyone saying that they are selfish, wouldn't it be more selfish to go through with the wedding when they know they don't want to, just to save face. If they got married they most likely have been divorced soon after or they could've been unhappy for their married life. I say if you aren't 100% sure why get married

you seem more worried about the people who are traveling for the wedding than you do her not marrying you. maybe that's part of the problem.