By IDon't - 13/10/2013 10:49 - Australia - Berkeley Vale

Today, my fiancée told me she can't marry me. Our wedding day is tomorrow and around 20 of our 180 guests attending have travelled half way around the world just for the occasion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 147
You deserved it 3 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have never understood how people can just not go through with a wedding. That's a pretty selfish thing to do.


better said before the wedding. now go sleep with one of the brides maids!

At least it happened now than years later, with more problems arising

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Nervous is what happens, this could just be a few hours

Yes, OP's cold-footed bride to be should have spoken of her reluctance well before this. However, it is much better that she calls it off now rather than years from now. Shitty that so many family and friends spent so much to be with you for your day, only to have it fall flat. But I am sure many or most of them would rather see you happy than stuck in a bad marriage.

alexxxxxxxx_fml 6

Marriage is a commitment that some just arent ready for and sadly some realize it right before or right after it. Look at it this way, be happy you didnt marry and have kids and then get divorced cuz that wouldve been much worse. Sometimes things like this happen, but theyre actually a Blessing in disguise.

Epikouros 31

This shows why you shouldn't base your whole life on something as fickle as romantic love. No, I didn't vote YDI for the poor guy, but we can learn from his mistake.

Can't vote, feels like it could just be classic cold feet. Unless we're told more, I can't tell what the situation is with the woman. Maybe she's a jerkass. Maybe she's in a blind panic. Can't give an opinion if we don't know the details.

notsofriendly 17

I hope y'all are getting married today after all, OP, and that she just got the pre-wedding jitters.

AngelLovesDerby 10

You def deserve better! Sorry to hear op :(

Told you she "can't" or "won't" & what was her "reasoning" behind decided that all the money everyone (you, her & the relatives) just spent was no big deal to have wasted?...(my fam, & relatives on both sides spent around $60,000 towards my step son & his fiancé's wedding only to have him call it off 3 days before....reason....she cheated on him @ her "bachelorette" yeah, my wife & I lost around $1200, my father in law lost around $3000, could go on listing who lost $ but I think you get the jist)....hope your (ex-) fiancé had a damn good reason for letting everyone waste money (if she wasn't going to commit to a marriage)

TrinityNevada 11

I hope you guys took them to court over that! How awfuL!