By sostupid - 10/10/2009 19:22 - United States

Today, my friend and I drove three hours to attend a U2 concert. We had been psyched about the tickets for weeks because they were awesome seats (my early Christmas present). After a long drive, we get to the venue and I realize in horror that I left tickets at home, on my desk, three hours away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 826
You deserved it 51 166

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats why you always make sure you have the tickets first


what how is this a FML it would be a FML if you actually sat through the whole U2 concert

I love U2 and I feeeeeeel so badly for you! But still, you should always check!!!! People do this all the time!! Ahh!! always check!!

YDI for going to see Bono. YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH. Hope he gets hit my the AIDS truck.

I don't understand how people do this! You're going to a concert and don't remember to bring the tickets?!?!? Do you go to drive your car and not get the keys too?

you cannot drive a car without keys (short of shorting out the ignition), you can however make it to a concert without tickets, just not in. A more correct analogy would be "do you walk to your car without the keys?" I would say yes, a majority of ppl do this quite a bit. i personally have gone to a concert an hour away and forgot the tickets... sometimes you get excited and forget shit, people aren't perfect. however to anyone with even a teaspoon of intellegence this is not an FML, just an inconvenience, just talk to the box office, 99.9% chance you picked them up with your credit card which can be traced, that is what I did. Hell, i had a friend who got tickets to a show when he never purchased any by making up a story about how his friend was in a car wreck on the way to the show and he had the tickets.

Was this the concert in Raleigh, NC at Carter-Finley?

I attend NC State, and left Raleigh out of principle the night U2 played.

twindaddy 0

U2 sucks, so you were probably better off anyway.

ah man that sucks. it's your fault but, missing a U2 concert I could never wish on someone.