By hihipanda - 30/08/2009 12:58 - Singapore

Today, my friend and I went to a bar for drinks. I noticed this cute girl and went over to say "Hi." I had a great conversation with her and I asked for her number before she left. She passed it to me on a piece of paper with instructions specifying for my friend to call her and not me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 523
You deserved it 3 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's so insulting :( you should give someone else her number instead of your friend :)


ILoveJace01 0

I'm sorry. That sucks. I wouldn't have given the instructions to my friend.

tmptmptmp 0

Give her an 809 number (

Bitches like that deserve a smack!

So after your conversation with her, and not your friend, she chose the friend she did not talk to?

Ludaman44 0

Its good to pick up chicks at a bar, but if you were looking for a meaningful relationship the bar is NOT the place for it. better luck next time though.

ithedarkone 0

lol the minute you got the note should of took it crumble it up and throw it in the back of her head and say b!tch you uglier then a a mangy ugly ass dog oh wait a mangy dog is still a b!tch B!TCH

Thecloak 0

This didn't happen, well, unless the girl was really really stupid, or you are really really ugly. :) jk, fyl if this did happen, stop clogging the boards if you're making it up.

Hire someone to kill her loloolololololololol

Easy revenge... I'm sure she was there with at least one girlfriend, so have your buddy call her and ask if he can have her friend number :-)