By Username - 28/02/2012 00:37 - United States

Today, my friend and I were playing football in the street, when out of nowhere a homeless man sucker punches me in the gut, grabs my football, and runs away laughing like a maniac. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 582
You deserved it 3 046

Same thing different taste

Top comments

X3liteXHunterX 12


Jezz~ where the hell is the cops in your city~ but whatever, you have granted him a fresh wonderful day

Thank you homeless man! He just did what we all want to do when our normal actions are obstructed by you guys being Jack asses.. Get a yard if you want to play football.. Or go find a field...

"... Punches me in the nut and grabs my ... "!!! Wow.. That's honestly how I misread the FML.. See OP, it could've been much worse. I'm sorry either way.

Hey, took me three tries to realize it said "sucker punches" as opposed to "homeless man sucker."

perdix 29

It looks like Peyton Manning is in training for his return to the game. And he wasn't homeless, he was on the visiting team!

perdix 29

Back in my day, we played a game called, "Smear the Queer." Maybe the "bum" was one of my classmates who still plays even after the game was declared non-PC.

Ahh smeer the queer. I miss the games I use to play when I was little.

Homeless 7, You 0 Your turn. Go to his address and.. Oh no! Is a homeless!