By katem - 16/04/2013 05:08 - United States
Top comments
87 - It doesn't sound like it was an isolated incident the guy was "continually" bothering the crowd, while STFU isn't exactly the best response I would have told him to quiet down as well. Chances are every single person in that theater was appreciative of their outburst as it ended the problem. The other option would be to go to the theater manager and I'm sure the DS guy would have been much more embarrassed had he been escorted out.
for all the people saying it's "SOOO NOT YOUR FAULT".. is it really your first instinct to turn around and tell them to 'shut the **** up'? if they had just looked at him and asked him politely to quiet down, they could have realized and then just moved to another seat. so this is definitely a YDI, be more careful next time. AND #90 "Didn't people used to kill them? Yeah, we're SO intolerant by letting them live." are you an IDIOT? so not killing people = tolerance? you're an ass.
98 your just as ****** up as number 90. i hope you have fun in the wallowing world of hell...
I'm sorry... but don't people with downs act a particular way? I mean... you can distinguish that just from their laugh... so no need to be an asshole, you could have been more polite about it. Even if you didn't know they had downs you should ask politely first... and if they continue to be a disturbance then you can proceed and tell them to shut the **** up x_x...
Seriously? Downs Syndrome has PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS, dumb ass. Seriously? You didn't look and notice that there was something going on? You didn't figure that a grown man clapping and bouncing MIGHT be a signal of him not being absolutely all there? Ah, but of course, when you're mildly irritated, you're the most important person in the universe. What choice did you HAVE but to tell him to be quiet in the nastiest way possible, rather than asking politely for him to quiet down (like, you know, a normal human being, as most of us realize that -shock of all shocks - STRANGERS ARE NOT CAPABLE OF READING OUR MINDS and what may seem like the fiftieth ignored request to the angry fall out boy fan that is your subconscious is actually warning number one for the person with very evident Downs Syndrome whom you're now shouting at) ? I hope he complained and you're banned from that theatre. If I'd been there when that happened, I would have. Albeit, not before dumping my drink on your head. And by the way, 90. No, we didn't used to kill them. That was Hitler, when he started gassing the occupants of nursing homes and mental health facilities.
I believe the accepted term is "Trisomy 23", as opposed to down syndrome... punter.
You're a jerk. You say it nicely first.
Why would your first course of action be to tell someone to "shut the **** up"? I agree with #3.