By grossed out - 25/03/2013 18:25 - United Kingdom - Peterborough

Today, my friend asked to borrow my new laptop to email his college professor. When he returned it, it had a virus on it, and I had to fish out two pubic hairs that were sticking out between the keys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 683
You deserved it 7 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TorisaurusRexxx 10

I would tell you to install parental controls and site blocks, but that can't even keep 11-year-olds off of those sites.


I highly suggest lots and lots of hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. Maybe a blow torch while in the process.

I let your friend keep that one buy a new one and if you can't afford it get a loan and buy a new one cause ew ew ew and again ew

Holy run-on sentences, Batman! Why wouldn't you force the so-called friend to buy you a new one, considering he's the one who allowed the virus on there and left his hairs on it in the first place?

You might want to take a closer look at your laptop; pubic hair might not be the only thing that's taken refuge on it.

That's the major difference between **** and prostitutes - after you watch ****, only the computer has a virus.

Well I guess he had to email his sex ed teacher... I had to before, that class was a bit uncomfortable! Wait, you mean you never had to send a teacher nudes? Well this just got awkward...

He may have had his way with your laptop. Clean your USB port.

upallnight11 19

He must have a very small one, then.

Step 1 - Kill Virus Step 2 - Get better Anti Virus Step 3 - Kill friend Step 4 - Get better friend

OP, you gotta keep Jack off the computer

ardencred 7

Right??I would not let Jack Mehoff use my computer