By Terry - 13/07/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, my friend called to say my boyfriend was at a diner with another woman. I immediately went and caught them in a deep conversation. I slapped him and yelled "Who's this bitch!?" It turns out she's his half sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 616
You deserved it 88 928

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you slap him before you ask who the girl is? YDI.


Women... nothing but trouble. And nobody reply over how insecure I am, etc.

iBiteRoses 22
SystemofaBlink41 27

Why would anyone just say you're insecure for no reason? Saying that makes you insecure...

Envirochick 0

How is it that you didn't know that your boyfriend had a half sister? Do you guys not talk about your families at all? Either way YDI for slapping him in public. Grow up and learn to take you're anger out in more constructive forms.

heyyou1203 0

wow... someone has trust issues. maybe you should stop being a paranoid, jealous bitch before you get into a relationship again.

maybe_tomorrow 0

Oh yup. Just go right ahead and slap him without asking for an explanation first. -_- fail.

wheels_forever 0

Have you not read enough of these to realize that your boyfriend has female family members that he might want to dine with? Sheesh! Paranoid much?

YDI for slapping him and assuming. Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you have the right to hit men.

I always want to hit people! Violence is the answer!

wrong it's the question and the answer is yes

Yeah umm, that's not the best thing to do first when you see them together. I mean, first ask who she is.

How could you hit your boyfriend? What the hell is wrong with you?