By oneiPodlighter - 10/10/2013 03:03 - United States - Conshohocken

Today, my "friend" came over. I caught him trying to steal my iPod on the way out. Proud of myself for catching him, I asked him to leave, only to realize that I had forgotten to actually take the iPod back from him before he left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 972
You deserved it 24 828

Same thing different taste


I had just found I was ill and would need treatment for the rest of my life, causing me to have to quit my job. I was also burying my childhood pet, my old bunny the same day. I invited a friend over for moral support. The same ''friend'' left with my last 500 I'd saved.

scubasteve171 6

Who steals an iPod. Who even takes it if offered?

You'll probably find that sitting on a pawnshop shelf in a few hours if you are looking to get it back...