By Anonymous - 26/12/2010 08:12 - United States

Today, my friend compared my hair color to hers. Also, she braided my hair (two pieces) with hers (one piece). I asked her why and she finally broke down and told me. She has lice and didn't want to be the only one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 823
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste


I don't believe someone would actually do this

FML_cutiepie 0
varkey 7

wtf? instead of getting it treated (which is pretty easy; my brother got rid of his lice pretty fast), she gives it to you? that sucks FYL. but really, it's not that bad to treat, so get thee to a doctor.

Booda13 0
wasabiinurvagina 0

I say FYL for having a friend like that, FYL if u didn't smack her, FYL for posting it on here and **** everybodys life with those eye rolling puns! once is enough.