By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, my friend posted my picture on Craigslist under the "men seeking men" section. I got 16 replies with 2 hours. He then decided to post another picture of me under "men seeking women" to compare results. The only reply I got was from a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 757
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't sweat, women who are REALLY seeking men don't look for them on CL.

mikakarie 0

Haha aww take it as a compliment.


likeomgwhat 0

well theres alot more desprite guys on craigslist that there are girls. and the girls on craigslist arnt exactly appealing. but yes, you should just go gay

Scottz 0

Well, at least...... Aww **** it.

thats just cause most boys are more perverted than girls and are more likely to look on the internet to hook up with strangers lol

Norrec86 7

How did you get a reply from a guy from "men seeking women"?

Norrec86 7

And for all you craigslist haters, I met my husband there and we are very happy

hewro_failure 11

Ha you really don't want replies from either group you know anyone on there is ugly or something

So, you found out that you are attractive. What's the big deal?

That's because women aren't so desperate as to look for a date on Craigslist.

Only men look for dates on Craigslist