By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, my friend posted my picture on Craigslist under the "men seeking men" section. I got 16 replies with 2 hours. He then decided to post another picture of me under "men seeking women" to compare results. The only reply I got was from a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 757
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't sweat, women who are REALLY seeking men don't look for them on CL.

mikakarie 0

Haha aww take it as a compliment.


hey, might as well take the hint and play for both teams lol

cRothabeast 0

best. prank. ever. FYL indeed

O.o you look hot, I'm a guy and I want to **** you LOL. Jk i'm straight. Watch out, those ****'s are all over craiglist. I. Suggest you use lavalife or eharmony because they're better then that shit craiglist.

i know you're straight, fear not ;) -that kid back home who loves you; who is also more awesome than you (half an electron) tehe.

sparxva 12

That is definitely a good practical joke to file away for future use though...