By Anonymous - 13/07/2009 13:09 - Canada

Today, my friend posted my picture on Craigslist under the "men seeking men" section. I got 16 replies with 2 hours. He then decided to post another picture of me under "men seeking women" to compare results. The only reply I got was from a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 757
You deserved it 4 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't sweat, women who are REALLY seeking men don't look for them on CL.

mikakarie 0

Haha aww take it as a compliment.


Damn, I missed out. I probably would have replied too. But gay guys know the hotter guys anyway so take it as you're hot. Sean

decibel_beads 0 can't say that nobody was interested :-)

sadly a similar thing happened to me on myspace, a while ago, my friend changed my status to Gay, i itgot like 6 request and stuff, i changed it to staight and get nothing

Something like this happened where I live. Apparently it is rather illegal and the person who posted the fake ad is going to court over the matter with possible jail time or a huge fine.

All it proves guys are more horny than women. WHOWOULDATHOUGHTIT

Illidan_fml 0

Whatever douche.. That doesn't spell out yer fate

Don't feel bad. Gays are more promiscuous and straightforward (irony!) than women.

You clearly don't know craigslist at all. This is not a FML because women didn't respond to you. It's a FML because it didn't occur to you that maybe decent women don't need to seek men on free bulletin-board sites such as craigslist and would have good reasons to avoid such a place entirely. Don't worry, the 'results' don't mean anything except there are still guys looking for guys on craigslist and you're not so ugly that they'd pass you over.

Good. You don't want to find a woman on CL. Gross. AND the men that did contact you were clearly looking for some ass. They must've been attracted to SOMETHING. So, either way, you win.

HAHAHAHA that's amazing. but still, i don't think that many girls would look on craigslist for guys, it's more likely for gay guys to search for guys online if you know what i mean.