By kewlcat - 16/07/2009 06:30 - Canada

Today, my friend put a bunch of cheetos all over me at the beach while I was taking a nap. Next thing I know I'm being woken up by a bunch of seagulls attacking me. One pooped in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 688
You deserved it 4 986

kewlcat tells us more.

ok , first of all, its not fake. second of all, i was actually sleeping, more just like, resting, with my eyes closed. also, i live in vancouver which is just above seattle, so we have beaches and we dont get snow. aaand yes it is really funny to see, just make sure you don't let them get you back ;)

Top comments

ithedarkknight 0

well... lmao thats all i got...


Hey! Bird poop in your hair is good luck remember?

I mean it was pretty funny, and you would've done the same thing if you were in his position. Now get back at him!