By notinthebutt - 14/06/2011 17:57 - United States

Today, my friend sent me an online money transfer. After forgetting the password and locking myself out of my account, I had to phone up the bank and have it reset. I was prompted to answer the security question, which was "What, what?" I had to say "In the butt." to get my money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 323
You deserved it 64 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kathii01 20

lol that's funny! YDI for making that song your security q & a


that isn't even an FYL- that's just awesome.

Guido25897 4

So much for a security question, lol that's obvious.

HAHAHA!!! You wanna do it in my but? In my but? XP XD XP

shakeTHEworld 12

This was in NotAlwaysRight! I remember reading this!

cocacolaamigo 0

YDI because you were immature enough to make it that...

O.o so that was YOU who called to reset their bank account and answered "in the butt" to the security question, man that made my day

HHAHAA. Best one I've read all day! xDDDD

It's all fun and games until you have to say it out load