By Username - 27/03/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, my friend stole my phone to call the creepy boy that follows me around at school. I wouldn't have been so bothered if she hadn't had phone sex with him, all while pretending to be me. He got so into it, he now thinks we're a couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 008
You deserved it 6 345

Same thing different taste


cookie_3008 4

...and thats how serial killers are made. (wait til he finds out)

that's some friend you got their.! I'd tell her to go rot in a hole && make her go home.

vetraykint 0

well then you a son of a bitch

suckmyassitsmell 0

****. I thought you sounded different. I guess it was just too good to be true.

SpicyGrass 0

"So, mom, how did you meet dad?"

Thatswhatshesaid_fml 3

what comes around comes around if you know what I mean ;P

Thatswhatshesaid_fml 3
Dinkledorf 0

Don't have phone sex, You might get hearing aids!