By Username - 27/03/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, my friend stole my phone to call the creepy boy that follows me around at school. I wouldn't have been so bothered if she hadn't had phone sex with him, all while pretending to be me. He got so into it, he now thinks we're a couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 008
You deserved it 6 345

Same thing different taste


I wanna meet this friend. I need a freaky female friend around.

DeadOnArrivall 0

just talk so much dirty to him until he gets disgusted... works all the time

Seems you friend is quite mental! Having phone sex with some weirdo just to get at you... I'd change my number and my friend before her or the creep kill you :(

I would Be Pissed D=! but its too Funny. FYL.

robwilliams 0

I don't know how to say this but this gave me a boner..................

I have a friend with a stalker. While he went away to do something in class, she would get up and go through his stuff. And when she found out he had a girlfriend, she randomly punched him in the face for "cheating on her". Yeah, that girl was crazy

Your friend sounds like a *****. Is she single?

I know how to solve this. Confront him...then tell him it wasn't you that had phone sex with him. It was your friend, who stole your phone because she is madly in love with him, and was doubtful of how he may react to her feelings for him. And hook them up. I think that would fix both of your problems.

denvan 0

Phone sex damn they're both desperate