By Anonymous - 31/10/2014 10:46 - Australia

Today, my friend thought she would "save me some time" by spoiling Game of Thrones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 927
You deserved it 4 485

Same thing different taste

Top comments

toxic_walrus 15

Anybody who spoils a TV show isn't a true friend ?


pharm121 21

The tv series or the books? I mean since the tv show is based of the book and they stick pretty close to it, if you've read the books you'd most likely already know how the tv series is gonna go.

Still worth watching regardless, amazing show.

moshpit11 8

Put some eye drops in her drink the hide the toilet paper

I felt angry over this FML. Let the Others take your friend.

brace yourself ass kicking is coming

I do respect your friend's ability to spoil the whole game of thrones so fast that you didn't have the chance to shut him her up. Here is how it ends: they died.

That spoiler could apply to any show lol

I tried, but I couldn't press 'I agree, your life sucks' more than once. I'm sorry for your loss :(

tool3rdeye 7

You could "save her some time" by killing her.