By panicromanceX3 - 26/04/2009 08:44 - United States

Today, my friends and I spent hours on the Disney website playing in Pixie Hollow. We made our own fairies and flew around completing tasks for TinkerBell and her fairy friends. We're in college, and this is how we spent our Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 876
You deserved it 63 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

this is not how i'm supposed to spend college nights?

Lady_Luck 0

I'm 17 and I just went to go check out this "Pixie Hollow" game. FML.


It sucks. The best game mechanics and concepts have the gayest cosmetics.

rofl at this FML and the comments I was intrigued to try it, but I had to sign up so I didn't :P

ilovefmlife 0

haha people like you make me excited to go to college.

brodizzle 0

How many sisters do you have that you can say "some of my sisters", #19?

mibs3 11

Possibly meaning sorority sisters not real sisters. Just a guess.

greenleisuresuit 0

Hey, at least you weren't out getting drunk, screwing around, or getting in trouble. Sounds like a fun Saturday night to me!

not really an fml. you are in college, you have the choice to go out or sit at home. next weekend, make a different choice. or get some new friends.

Kitty34_fml 0

Better than getting drunk/high and having unprotected sex with strangers. Ifyou're having fun, who cares! :)

poptarts_rock 0

Dude, that sounds like fun. My friend and I sat in her room for an hour and a half the other night watching spongebob instead of studying for finals.

cjk6318 0

wow youre really cool..... and i can only hope you werent sober.