By panicromanceX3 - 26/04/2009 08:44 - United States

Today, my friends and I spent hours on the Disney website playing in Pixie Hollow. We made our own fairies and flew around completing tasks for TinkerBell and her fairy friends. We're in college, and this is how we spent our Saturday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 876
You deserved it 63 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

this is not how i'm supposed to spend college nights?

Lady_Luck 0

I'm 17 and I just went to go check out this "Pixie Hollow" game. FML.


At least you weren't by yourself, you were playing it with your friends, and you all had a good time. That makes it okay. So what if people who aren't your friends think it's lame?

You have friends. You had fun. Not much of an FML really.

dont worry man ... you have friends,you spend time with them on saturdays and you have fun ... dont care if what you do is not very common ... I have friends whose saturdays are spent working in school projects ... every single saturday ....

hey man don't beat yourself least tinkerbell is amazing

As long as your not a guy, i see no problem with this...

dude im so glad u posted this and informed me of an awesome game i had no idea about. im a 24 year old medical student and i got no problem playing this game.

so what, atleast you hung out with people