By AzNFoo - 26/03/2009 05:20 - United States
Same thing different taste
By CarrieRedburn - 27/07/2011 08:09 - United States
Didn't see ya there
By mbrooke - 23/03/2009 04:31 - United States
By COCKYmanUSC - 12/09/2011 02:50 - United States
By suzanneallen - 11/09/2009 04:23 - United States
By Natalie - 01/04/2011 18:16 - United States
By shit - 13/05/2010 21:00 - United States
By RainyDay - 11/04/2009 18:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/05/2011 06:22 - United States
Less haste, less speed
By Fox - 25/02/2013 03:41 - United States
By adogg18 - 29/05/2011 08:12 - United States
Top comments
lol that's what happens
#23, I once saw a car get pulled over by an undercover cop in a truck cab on the Florida Turnpike. It was pretty surreal. You can't always spot them.
To #69, your sorta proving my point about you being uptight. Being a laid back person, a few water balloons hitting my car isnt gonna bother me. Ill probly say "wtf" but I know its people just having a good time. There is risk in everything we do, throwing water balloons at cars is fun, and very low risk of anything bad happening. People free climb mountians, jump out of planes, surf 15 foot waves, and ride raging bulls. Its risk and it makes life fun. You cant run from them cause something just might go bad. I used to be uptight and worry about everything, then one day I woke up and realized I was bored with my slow predictable life. Thats a nicer way of what I was trying to say. Dont dislike/critisize someone cause they took a risk and lost, just laugh at their misfortune and wish them better luck next time.
That's against the law. It's considered endangerment and attempting to disrupt the flow of traffic. It's also downright stupid and negligent. Water balloons hitting a car in the right place could scare the driver and cause him or her to lose control. It could also cause an accident or get somebody killed. Though some people may think little of it, if a driver has road rage you are potentially putting YOUR life at risk. If it scares a driver to death, he or she could plow into another car or worse, pedestrians. There's a good reason not to throw water balloons at cars and is why those laws are in place. I'm not being uptight, I'm just telling you some basic facts. Although I think it is a bit immature to do this, you're a teenager. I wouldn't expect much less.
#79, If someone crashes because a balloon hits their car, do you think they should be driving in the first place? I mean, if you really lack the self control to not flip out and crash your car cause you were startled, why are you behind the wheel? How can you possibly have the ability to avoid a real accident? This is one of those 1 in a million deals, no need for us to debate it. Yes throwing a water balloon at a car "might" cause an accident, but the odds of that happening are insanely low. Just like that chick who died from masturbating, Its rare to die from it, but its still worth the risk. If you dont know what chick I'm talking about, it was on 1000 ways to die. She was using a carrot and it cut her a little, then the movement caused air to get into her bloodstream and go to her heart, killing her.
my friends and i. not me nice try
You, your friends and number 2 are EXTREMELY stupid. I hope you try this again sometime and you get beat up.

Why on earth would you throw projectiles at other people's moving vehicles? That's a dangerous and dickish thing to do. You utter, utter idiots. I hope you get a conviction that you have to explain to any future employers. #2 I don't know about whichever country this happened in, but if it were in mine I'm sure some kind of assault law, or vandalism, or SOMETHING that covers causing a danger on the roads, would cover it, if there isn't a direct "throwing projectiles at traffic" law.
You deserve that - you could cause someone to crash their car, think about what you're doing...