By danceinconverse - 22/05/2015 20:11 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my friends made a little game out of my OCD. They like to purposely poke one of my arms so I immediately poke the other one. They think it's hilarious and now do it constantly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 101
You deserved it 4 033

danceinconverse tells us more.

danceinconverse 25

Wow, the range of comments had me laughing to making a disgusted face. Thanks to everyone who was supportive but no need to worry! I'll explain things further but this will be long. And to people saying "woah I do the same thing!", you most likely have OCD, but DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE, ask your doctor about it before you prance around calling yourself mentally ill. For me, I've always done little sort of tensing my muscles and making both sides feel the same games with myself ever since I can remember, especially in the car. It didn't become a problem until high school, when I started doing finger things to each hand to calm myself down, and it escalated into something actually slightly debilitating. But anyways, so I also unfortunately have anxiety and depression to mix with my OCD, so I've never came out and said to most of my friends I have any of these things, or many people at all. I hate the "Oh just be happy and you'll feel better!" Comments so I tend to not bring it up unless necessary. (Think: having a permanent broken leg, and when people realize, the "advice" they give you is to walk on it and you should be fine). But anyway, in their defence they just thought I was being silly, I do have a lot of quirks so I don't blame them. If they hadve known it was causing me legitimate panic, they of course would have stopped, but I'm very good at covering up my negative feelings. It did give me a panic attack i had silently in the washroom the first time the original friend figured it out (lightly smacking my arm to get my attention and seeing what looked like me immediately covering the other one in pain, as if the opposite one they actually hit hurt. I would definitely find that funny too). They all had a go at poking my arm to see me poke the other one, and eventually seeing if it worked on other areas of my body. I was laughing along so they had no reason to assume it was genuinely distressing me, even though it was just my panicked (anxiety induced) "aw shit they figured it out I don't want them to know I'm even weirder, I'll just play it off" response. But the next time they saw me they had forgotten it all together almost, and now they only do it occasionally in a weird "insulting your friend to let them know you love them" kind of way. Those times I can genuinely laugh at. I'm all for making fun of myself and I get that it's pretty funny, and also it kind of helps me in a weird way. But if the level it was at the first time hadve continued after the first time, i 100% would have explained to them why it's not ok, and I can guarantee they never would've done it again. And advice to anyone who is dealing with something similar where it does genuinely bother them, really, let the people know. If they patronize you for it, they are strait up dick nuggets, don't take their crap. Sorry for the novel but hope i cleared some things up!

Top comments

Attacksloth 33

Make a game out of their game. Each time they do it to you, punch one of them in the face at random.

Time to bring out the body armor. You can double as a superhero in your spare time.


danceinconverse 25

Wow, the range of comments had me laughing to making a disgusted face. Thanks to everyone who was supportive but no need to worry! I'll explain things further but this will be long. And to people saying "woah I do the same thing!", you most likely have OCD, but DO NOT SELF DIAGNOSE, ask your doctor about it before you prance around calling yourself mentally ill. For me, I've always done little sort of tensing my muscles and making both sides feel the same games with myself ever since I can remember, especially in the car. It didn't become a problem until high school, when I started doing finger things to each hand to calm myself down, and it escalated into something actually slightly debilitating. But anyways, so I also unfortunately have anxiety and depression to mix with my OCD, so I've never came out and said to most of my friends I have any of these things, or many people at all. I hate the "Oh just be happy and you'll feel better!" Comments so I tend to not bring it up unless necessary. (Think: having a permanent broken leg, and when people realize, the "advice" they give you is to walk on it and you should be fine). But anyway, in their defence they just thought I was being silly, I do have a lot of quirks so I don't blame them. If they hadve known it was causing me legitimate panic, they of course would have stopped, but I'm very good at covering up my negative feelings. It did give me a panic attack i had silently in the washroom the first time the original friend figured it out (lightly smacking my arm to get my attention and seeing what looked like me immediately covering the other one in pain, as if the opposite one they actually hit hurt. I would definitely find that funny too). They all had a go at poking my arm to see me poke the other one, and eventually seeing if it worked on other areas of my body. I was laughing along so they had no reason to assume it was genuinely distressing me, even though it was just my panicked (anxiety induced) "aw shit they figured it out I don't want them to know I'm even weirder, I'll just play it off" response. But the next time they saw me they had forgotten it all together almost, and now they only do it occasionally in a weird "insulting your friend to let them know you love them" kind of way. Those times I can genuinely laugh at. I'm all for making fun of myself and I get that it's pretty funny, and also it kind of helps me in a weird way. But if the level it was at the first time hadve continued after the first time, i 100% would have explained to them why it's not ok, and I can guarantee they never would've done it again. And advice to anyone who is dealing with something similar where it does genuinely bother them, really, let the people know. If they patronize you for it, they are strait up dick nuggets, don't take their crap. Sorry for the novel but hope i cleared some things up!

10/10 would read again on another, less spammy (but not more genuine) note, it's great that you accept yourself for who you are and don't let it bother you too deeply. I have ADD and when I was diagnosed (way too late), I found the most important (and most difficult) step was to understand that my difficulties are not my own fault, and while it doesn't mean that I should give up on anything, I shouldn't sink into depression over things that I have no control over. I can assume that the same applies to OCD :) By the way, is it OCD or OCPD? I never understood the difference :S

OCD is an anxiety disorder but OCPD is a personality disorder I'm pretty sure they both have compulsions (rituals) but I can't remember the rest

Fellow member of the depression/anxiety club here...go us...? I'm glad your friends backed off on their own, OP. After reading your initial post, I was really pissed on your behalf. I thought they knew about your OCD and were poking you deliberately! I'm glad you followed up and reassured us (me) that that wasn't the case. Seconding the "**** you" to everyone spouting the "just try being happy" line as a way of treating depression. Trust me, if I COULD be happy without meds, I absolutely would.

haha haha. dick nuggets. I'm going to use that.

I have P.A.N.D.A.S. which causes ticks and OCD. When it comes to the "same game", I understand. for so long I tried to hide it. my fiance figured out that if he touches one foot, I have to have the same reaction on the other. he has known about me doing that with my fingers since we started dating. now he finds it funny to see me twitch when I try to resist the urge. I tried explaining it to him, but he now just sees it as game. like you, I try and laugh it off. still hurts though. it's nice knowing someone out there understands. stay strong!

Just curious here, what would you do if someone touched a part of your body directly on the spot where your body reflects to the other side? Like instead of poking one eyebrow, and you poking your other one out of your OCD, what if someone poked right in between your eyebrows, or even the tip of your nose for example. Like a neutral area that doesn't have a reflecting side

You have a lot of wisdom. Best wishes in your recovery.

I do the exact same things! If I get bumped in one place I have to be bumped in the same place on the other side of my body in the exact same way, and it usually just ends up with me hitting my arms back and forth on something/someone until I get it right.

danceinconverse 25

I know this is an incredibly late response but I actually have an answer to this. My boyfriend has tried before to poke the exact middle of my back, but it never feels quite centred so I have to fix it. If I did it to myself it's usually fine though. It's more unexpected touches (ones I don't have control of happening) that make me need to "fix" it. So I guess to answer your question, if it really felt like the exact middle, I'd be fine.

That's OCD? Well, now I know I'm not the only one who does this...

OCD Stands for Obsessive-Compulsive disorder and is a form of anxiety.

I am so sorry that you appear to know assholes.

Anonymous404 4

I usually just "Wipe it off"

lol such cruelty. But still hilarious. Maybe you should talk to them and fix this agitating issue.

marina1996 5

that isn't OCD though haha. thats like saying "i'm OCD because every time i wake up i have to spin in a cirlce 3 times" OCD is a common phrase now used to reference quirks. sorry but muscle flexing to get an even feel isnt OCD