By Yay..... - 17/08/2010 04:21 - Canada

Today, my friends thought it would be a good idea to make fun of a homeless man. I didn't fancy making fun of the less fortunate, so I stayed a bit back. Still, the homeless man didn't think it would matter to throw a rock at me after my buddies ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 655
You deserved it 14 528

Same thing different taste


Should of stopped your buddies when they were making fun of him. YDI.

Take him to court for the Geneva convention

if you dont do anything to prevent it , its the same as doing it yourself

Stayed a bit back? Why not tell them to shut their mouths?

kittykat1501 31

Don't sit back and let your friends be dicks to others, or get new friends. FYL for being a victim of peer pressure, and YDI for deciding the suffering of another person is preferable to confronting your friends..

You didn't stop them either, so YDI for being complicit.