By Yay..... - 17/08/2010 04:21 - Canada

Today, my friends thought it would be a good idea to make fun of a homeless man. I didn't fancy making fun of the less fortunate, so I stayed a bit back. Still, the homeless man didn't think it would matter to throw a rock at me after my buddies ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 655
You deserved it 14 528

Same thing different taste


You're just as bad as your friends. You didn't stop them, and you didn't do anything to help him.

yeah, because he has control over everything his friends do.

sallen0046 4

You might not have control over what your friends do, but you have complete control over your own actions. The right thing to do was not simply stand by and watch your friends do something you found wrong, the right thing would have been to say something and stand up for your own beliefs.

glambert1998 0

hobos are strange ppl...they go insane after a while

Maybe there is something I am missing, but how does stepping back cancel out making fun of them? That's like putting a band-aid on your leg to avoid being shot, an irrelivant solution.

sucks. ydi for not getting out of the way when he threw the rock.

ydi for not stopping your worthless friends. If you're just going to stand and watch this sort of crap, then you deserve to get a rock thrown at your head. Dump your friends, get nicer ones, and stop being a passive wuss, idiot.

Spewki 3

You deserve it for hanging around worthless assholes, and not speaking up when they started being pricks to the less fortunate.

UpYoursInAdvance 0

FYL And YDI because you just let your friends do that to people less fortunate... It's all fun and games until you're on the streets, And tell your ******* friends what goes around... You know the rest...

alldara 0

YDI because you should have STOPPED them not just stood back...or walked away and not been part of it at all.