By Muralove - 14/05/2015 02:55 - United States - Matawan

Today, my friends told me they will be unable to attend my birthday party on Friday because they'll be watching the Vampire Diaries finale. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 565
You deserved it 3 485

Same thing different taste

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Ok first off, the finale is Thursday, second you need new friends because tv is not an excuse to miss things anymore. There's DVR, hulu, and the CW's website shows it the next day too. Your friends don't really sound like friends to me. I'm really sorry, I hope you still have a good time tomorrow.

Being FML and all I'm surprised I haven't seen any comments calling for an execution

saffy66 34

Offering to let them watch as part of your birthday celebrations is one option. Of course they may be messing with you and planning an awesome surprise for you. But sadly I suspect they are probably doing exactly what they say. Your friends suck. I missed a rock concert once and wasted $250 in non refundable tickets because friends were getting married that day. No good friend puts a TV show ahead of a friend's birthday celebrations.

You should be doing the same. TVD is ******* amazing.

Vampire diaries is on on Thursday actually...?

But can you really blame them, OP? I'd miss my own birthday party of the season finale of supernatural was on

Friends... An overrated commodity

Sorry to tell you but that airs on Thursday night