By Muralove - 14/05/2015 02:55 - United States - Matawan

Today, my friends told me they will be unable to attend my birthday party on Friday because they'll be watching the Vampire Diaries finale. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 559
You deserved it 3 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's when you say: switch to xfinity comcast operating system you can record and watch shows anytime anywhere !!

Tell your friends that its on Thursdays not Fridays!

Seriously I'm waiting to download it now... lol

dacooliest 16

Thinking positive, maybe they're planning a surprise birthday party for you! But if not then time to find some new friends who respect you.

Uhh well duh!! It's a VERY important finale!!

TreyA 10

Have you seen the trailer. Gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! But unfortunately I fell behind seasons ago and never caught up. I'm gonna have to restart. The sucky part is you never get to see the cool/heart breaking/ on edge trailers! Cause series never do the "Next time on.."

The finale is tonight (Thursday) not Friday. Your friends are full of shit.

pleasedie 22

At least you know you have no real friends now.