By Anonymous - 27/03/2016 04:46 - South Africa - Cape Town

Today, my girlfriend accused me of cheating after she read some of my messages I sent to an old female friend. Apparently I'm very flirty with her. I showed her the same kind of messages that I sent to my guy friends as well. Now I'm apparently gay and cheating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 822
You deserved it 2 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"So, we're gonna go to the game later, bro?" "You bet, you absolute stud!" "Whose car should we take?" "Well, mine has the most room in back! ;-)" "Uh, okay, that works." "Also we should have sex, and I'm flirting with you."

Did she go through your phone?? I'd call that strike one on lack of trust. If she's that jealous and dramatic on a regular basis it may be time to either have a very serious talk, or to start calling her your ex girlfriend


Anyone who looks for something to be pissed off about will find it. Give her the axe.

deminem 2

If your girlfriend doesn't appreciate you talking to other girls, if you have any respect for her, you won't

Paridote 6

lol she's crazy anyway XD no much of a loss

your gal is crazy, and jealous my friend. Two things you can do. Dump her and avoid the problem all together. Or try to explain, in the best way possible that you aren't not flirting or cheating with anyone, and want to be with just her. I'd say dumping her is easier.