By mylifesucks - 31/01/2014 23:50 - France - Paris

Today, my girlfriend and I made love. She stared at her One Direction poster the whole time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 345
You deserved it 12 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, since apparently that kind of behavior is acceptable, I would take this opportunity to put a poster of someone you find attractive on your wall for the same purpose. Seems fair to me.

transcedental 18

Aw, honey, that sucks. I am sorry. But on the other hand if you have a girlfriend that's into OD, isn't she too young to be doing it? *cough*


She sounds a little too young to be fooling around with, but it sucks either way.

One direction? Good lord, what are y'all? Like 14?

If she still has a one directon poster you are too young/immature to have sex!

darlingdollie 24

If she has a One Direction poster hanging up in her room, she's too young for you bro!!

pennamay 11

That's when you make her look at you!

caligirllife 11

If she has a one direction poster she's too young for you bro!

I gotta say OP, either YDI because you're not doing enough to MAKE her pay attention to you or because you did knowing she had a 1d poster in her bedroom...