By ICantBelieveThis - 06/03/2010 14:31 - United States

By ICantBelieveThis - 06/03/2010 14:31 - United States
By mylifesucks - 31/01/2014 23:50 - France - Paris
By parental failure - 03/03/2013 17:03 - Canada - Langley
By Anonymous - 22/12/2010 13:09 - United States
By anonymous - 08/01/2015 19:10 - United States - Noblesville
By GiveADogABone - 15/10/2015 22:47 - United States
By newlydumped - 21/09/2009 02:28 - United States
By PCJJacket - 05/05/2014 17:30 - United States - Los Angeles
By WasZumTeufel? - 01/01/2013 00:55 - Germany - Kabel
By Anonymous - 04/01/2010 15:49 - United States
By cockblocked - 11/05/2012 18:29 - United States - Goose Creek
It could've been Twilight. Still, start datin some college girls or something before you lose your sanity.
what is she? 13?
She's either really old, or really young.
#7 is so right. You didn't know she was Jo Bro ho before then? At least you got some.
that sux
Stop molesting little girls. Problem solved.
Jo bro ho!!!! lmfao!!!! never heard that. heh Jo bro ho, yeah the Jo bros suck you should stop torturing that little girl and get a better life. still fyl anyway.
Blackberry1993, you have no idea what you're talking about. I've never met anyone over the age of 12 that likes those idiots.
youre awesome
BTW, YDI for having sex with a little girl.
i wish there was a jobro dog
You're taking my statement too literally. OBVIOUSLY there are going to be people of all ages that like those clowns, but you said MOST of their fans are 16-25 and that is false.
* a Jo Bro ho
This might as well be my girlfriend. Haha.
lol that's f'ed up and you should yell her that the Jo bros are gay with each other
ydu for being apparently a child molester and dating a 11 year old. no offense but if she is over the age of 15 dump her that's redicuilous. and to the guy that said 8th graders don't have sex.... you be suprised at how quickly our seociety has degraded itself to such low levels of morality. you are lucky you didn't go to my school.
@7 you'll be surprised at how many "college" girls are into twilight. pretty disturbing if you ask me! the OP's situation is ridiculous though. Fyl hopefully she was just messing around. either way she sounds young too young
haha their not pure; just gay.
So what? I'm a JoBro Ho. Big ******* deal! I'm 18 and I LOVE them AND I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER! At least you got some, some crazy obsessed Jonas fans might take obsession too far and be pure like them...but then again, there's nothing wrong with be pure; saving yourself for someone you love. And no, I can't relate to anything about being pure. Cause I lost my virginity at age 15. Yeah, yeah, call me a *****. As if I care.
Nick, from the Jonas Bros, only dates certain girls to make them think he loves them, and then he persuades them to sign a contract for a music tour. After they sign the contract he then dumps them, and the girl can't do anything about the contract she signed. Has anyone else caught onto this? Or am I the only one?
nooo....he hasnt been on tour with selena or courtney.....just miley, but it was her tour, soooo.....
47 you aré my hero
Nick, from the Jonas Bros, only dates certain girls (that are usually singers), so he can get a music tour contract written up that the girls sign. After it is signed, he then dumps them. Because of the contract they cannot get out of the music tour. Has anyone else caught onto this? Or am I the only one? But in other words the OP deserves it for molesting children.
pfft, who cares dude, you got some ass. next time, make her blow you and have her turn around and swallow your nut in front of the posters.
I think 4
All FML's like this either don't matter or the OP deserves it. Why? If you truly love her, you would look beyond the Jonas Brothers stuff and see her as you first loved her. If you don't love her, you deserve it for playing her. I personally think you deserve it.
And if he decides to look beyond the posters and continue to love her, Chris Hansen will walk into the room, take the fuzzy pink handcuffs that were on the ground, and send him off to a place where he will be the one who is molested (prison).
I bet yer a pedophile.
Either that's an incomplete sentence, or you meant to use te word "they're." PLZLRN2ENGLISH,KTHXBYE!!!!!!!!¡!!!1!!!!one!!!!!!!
YDI for having pre-marital sex. Wait until your married!! :). Now go do your homework!
YDI for not doing her in the kitchen. I doubt she has any posters there.
umm find a new gf..
my sister is 11 and she says that almost everyone over 9 in her school hates jonas brothers
:-D @177 Finally a girl who isn't obsessed/ mind controlled by them... you win a cookie :-)
I have. My best friend
ummmmmm, not... it's there idiot
honey, you know it was in your room. tell the turth you know you have the fetish with the Jonas brothers.
What are you dating a twelve year old? Jonas Brothers suck.
haha 126 south park :P
Just be happy your are getting laid. Who cares about the latent homosexual jonas brothers
I guess you don't meet many girls...
well maybe u shud fringle ur pringle n mingle to tringle and even bingle fo shizzle ma nizzlle ima be bak in two grizzle
I resent that!! I have NEVER liked the Jo Bros and when some of my friends did, it was 5th grade
No way man, he deserved it for sleeping with a 12 year old.
she obsessed fyl
@68 you're not helping yourself in the situation at all
ur digging a deeper hole 68
disgusting... absolutely dusgusting
wow ydi for doin it with a 12 year old
what is she like 11
Jesus, f her life. at least you got some sex?
what a dumb bitch...
Jonas bros. how old is she. You sure she is legal age??
my exact thoughts
are you telling me she didn't fantasize about the pure-virgin-tools?
Haha, Im a fan of the Jonas Brothers and all but that's weird. If she thought it would 'bother' her posters, why not his house?
I was like FYL BEFORE I read the part about her apologizing to her posters. oh my gosh. ur gf has a serious problem... get het some help for her addiction. like NOW.
You both are way to young to be having sex
It's grammar, you idiot. FAIL.
Cause that's good logic hahaha
i love the Jonas Brothers!!!!!! :DD
Jonas bros. how old is she. You sure she is legal age??
you ******* a 7 year old?! dump her ass man!