By Sawarski - 07/01/2013 20:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I took a nap on my couch. She used my arm as a pillow, and everything was pretty peaceful, until she moved over and practically dislocated my shoulder. My screams of pain woke her, which was apparently an "asshole move" on my part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 660
You deserved it 3 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either you have a weak shoulder or her head is the size of a watermelon.


dontpanic_fml 32

I'm trying so hard to envision how a girl moving her head could incite screams of agony caused by a near shoulder dislocation and I just caaaaan't...perhaps you could keep it together a bit OP?


Do you even know what having your arm dislocated feels like? Your body goes into shock so you wouldn't be screaming, you just wouldn't be able to move your arm and you may pass out from the shock. The pain comes in afterwards. Man up xD

Well, that's not necessarily true - people react to different pains and injuries in different ways Also, OP said 'practically,' just meaning that his shoulder/arm was jerked in a way that felt incredibly painful.