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By Ouch - 21/10/2009 21:55 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend and I watched Juno. When the baby is born in the film, I put my arm around my girlfriend and whispered in her ear that one day it could be us having a baby. She responded by punching me in the happy sacks and telling me I wasn't getting any from her in a long time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 122
You deserved it 32 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, you totally deserve it. Not how you approach the subject of even possibly one day having a kid. I'd be leery of letting you touch me too if I was her.

That's what I was going to say, only I was going to say it in English. It is way too early to talk about having babies if you haven't even had sex!


MommyofanAngel06 0

that sucks 4 u. i guess it depends on how long u 2 have been 2 gether and how serious u r. sounds like she doesnt feel the way u do.

That's what I was going to say, only I was going to say it in English. It is way too early to talk about having babies if you haven't even had sex!

I trust you made her take the bus home.

oooh, I'm with your girlfriend, that's just creepy

RachelTheLoser 0

that's something really sweet of him to say tho. he was thinking about the future and having a long relationship. I wouldve had a different reaction than the girlfriend then punching him >.>

Not necessarily, maybe she is young and realized that its wayyy to soon to even think of kids. My boyfriend and I have been together over 6 years and we both get a little skiddish when someone brings it up. Maybe she wants to enjoy their time together.

That's still domestic abuse. If it was a man who punched his girlfriend in the ****** after bringing up kids he'd be burned alive

mrda 0

Ur a fkn cheeseball lol what kinda lame says something like that LOL

Haha, you totally deserve it. Not how you approach the subject of even possibly one day having a kid. I'd be leery of letting you touch me too if I was her.

Get back at her by doing it with another girl. Win-win.

Woww. You don't have a lot of girlfriends do you? Have some respect.

He obviously has a lot at the same time if he can just sleep with another girl that easily.