By Punk - 07/06/2011 20:07 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting it on for the first time. Just as I was about to climax, I spotted my greatest fear, a big wasp, only a few inches away from me. I shuddered and made a very unmanly orgasm wail. She now refuses to have sex because she says I "turned her off forever". FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 464
You deserved it 11 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like she's immature. probably shouldn't be bangin that kinda drama anyway.

I bet the wasp was evilly laughing in the next room.


Human_Delilah 0

i Bet tha wasp Was Hoping To get in on the action..

CountOrlandu 3

buddy you gotta man up and be a champ when your giving it to the girlfriend otherwise your next FML will be about some other dude putting it to her...

Your greatest fear is wasps? I hope you're allergic to them or you're a pretty big wuss...

Some people have never been stung in their lives or have to many times and don't want to. Wasps are an insect just like Spiders and TONS of people are scared of those. difference is not all sliders can hurt you and every type of wasp can. If anything, being scared if spiders is more pussy then a wasp.

LilSideTwerk 0

Uhm some people have phobias , And I know there's something You're afraid of so just STFU? Who cares if he is? I'm afraid of All bugs except ladybugs and Butterflies ! and baby worms . ok ? so Pick on some one your own size

lovinit5683 0

#42, I completely agree with #52..., some people have phobias so stfu! And #44 I don't think it is wussy being afraid of spiders or wasp. I have phobias of both.

gandhislayer 6

And last time i check spiders werent insects. Check your facts before you look like a fool. Oh wait...too late.

They're small, annoying, and squish easily... what's the huge difference? Spiders are like ants but with 8 legs!

My boyfriend makes awkward faces during sex and sometimes weird noises but , that doesn't discourage me. I'm having sex to be close with him, be intimate with him. the funny things are what can make sex great and an even more enjoyable experience . she should have laughed and not been so uptight about something that could have been a great conversation starter after.

anyone else having the vision of OP looking like Michael Cera? In any case fyl OP, with a hint of ydi just because you made my ribs hurt from a genuine lol

Now I know to buy wasp spray with condoms, just in case.

the wasp couldn't help it... it is born from pure evil what was it going to do? let you enjoy the moment? no.

dookiedoo 0

next time just start yelling DROPPIN LOADS

why do people give actual advice on fml? do you really think the op's will actually take it ?

Always keep raid handy, that stuff never fails